Maybe I misunderstood you. I see determining who should get benefits as very different from who is deserving. For benefits, we have criteria to make decisions as objectively as reasonably possible. We hope it gives the right answers but know it often doesn't. Knowing who is deserving is a completely different question. And while determin…
Maybe I misunderstood you. I see determining who should get benefits as very different from who is deserving. For benefits, we have criteria to make decisions as objectively as reasonably possible. We hope it gives the right answers but know it often doesn't. Knowing who is deserving is a completely different question. And while determining disability may be correlated with deserving, other forms of benefits are determined by work status, income, family structure, etc. that have little or no correlation to deserving. If I turn down a higher paying job I hate in order to work a minimum wage job I like and it qualifies me for benefits, am I deserving? Doesn't matter for determining benefits.
Most days I have low grade back pain and discomfort that hinders me very little. A sizable minority of days I don't notice it. I had one two week period (which delayed a ski trip I successfully completed) and a few other random days where I'm incapacitated. What if it were the other way around and I had 5 good days a year? Do you still know anything about my ability to work from seeing me play golf and carry the bag?
What I am trying to say is that determining who is eligible and who is deserving have the same sort of knowledge problems: do you have a second job you're not telling me about? side gigs? do you get paid "under the table"? how many people really live with you?
Or to take your example, is that day of golfing a normal thing or just something you were able to do one unusual day? Determining disability has criteria that are supposed to "make decisions as objectively as reasonably possible" but, as you say, often the decisions are wrong.
Now, as I see it, the decision about who is deserving is a moral one on which lots of people differ but decisions on eligibility are supposed to made on the basis of rules that have already been determined. The various moral arguments about who should get what benefits are one step back. They have already been weighed and decisions about the appropriate criteria have been made.
Maybe I misunderstood you. I see determining who should get benefits as very different from who is deserving. For benefits, we have criteria to make decisions as objectively as reasonably possible. We hope it gives the right answers but know it often doesn't. Knowing who is deserving is a completely different question. And while determining disability may be correlated with deserving, other forms of benefits are determined by work status, income, family structure, etc. that have little or no correlation to deserving. If I turn down a higher paying job I hate in order to work a minimum wage job I like and it qualifies me for benefits, am I deserving? Doesn't matter for determining benefits.
Most days I have low grade back pain and discomfort that hinders me very little. A sizable minority of days I don't notice it. I had one two week period (which delayed a ski trip I successfully completed) and a few other random days where I'm incapacitated. What if it were the other way around and I had 5 good days a year? Do you still know anything about my ability to work from seeing me play golf and carry the bag?
What I am trying to say is that determining who is eligible and who is deserving have the same sort of knowledge problems: do you have a second job you're not telling me about? side gigs? do you get paid "under the table"? how many people really live with you?
Or to take your example, is that day of golfing a normal thing or just something you were able to do one unusual day? Determining disability has criteria that are supposed to "make decisions as objectively as reasonably possible" but, as you say, often the decisions are wrong.
Now, as I see it, the decision about who is deserving is a moral one on which lots of people differ but decisions on eligibility are supposed to made on the basis of rules that have already been determined. The various moral arguments about who should get what benefits are one step back. They have already been weighed and decisions about the appropriate criteria have been made.