UBI would be the most harmful because the system is the problem. What was the average SS tax and payment when it was implemented? 2% on the first $3,000 earned, now its 12.5% on $147,000. Yeah, $5,000 UBI for a family of 4 is WAY better than our current crop of programs, but if you had the ability to implement it and keep it at that leve…
UBI would be the most harmful because the system is the problem. What was the average SS tax and payment when it was implemented? 2% on the first $3,000 earned, now its 12.5% on $147,000. Yeah, $5,000 UBI for a family of 4 is WAY better than our current crop of programs, but if you had the ability to implement it and keep it at that level you would also have the ability to reform SS/foodstamps/Medicare etc and make them functioning programs themselves. Comparing the fantasy of UBI against the reality of these programs will always make UBI look good, implementation of course would be as bad or worse.
UBI would be the most harmful because the system is the problem. What was the average SS tax and payment when it was implemented? 2% on the first $3,000 earned, now its 12.5% on $147,000. Yeah, $5,000 UBI for a family of 4 is WAY better than our current crop of programs, but if you had the ability to implement it and keep it at that level you would also have the ability to reform SS/foodstamps/Medicare etc and make them functioning programs themselves. Comparing the fantasy of UBI against the reality of these programs will always make UBI look good, implementation of course would be as bad or worse.