Medicaid can't be dumped unless you propose a better way than private insurance to handle the medical risk function. If you get private insurance, they will dump you the second the risks go against them and it is all legal. Prudential re-pooled me (doubling my cost ever 6 mo until I switched) when I made the mistake of having an angiogra…
Medicaid can't be dumped unless you propose a better way than private insurance to handle the medical risk function. If you get private insurance, they will dump you the second the risks go against them and it is all legal. Prudential re-pooled me (doubling my cost ever 6 mo until I switched) when I made the mistake of having an angiogram when I was 40 (back in 1080) that probably cost me close to a million dollars before Medicare cut in. When I did get my 4X bypass at 64 the insurance only actually paid about $60,000 to the doctors and hospitals on billing of close to $400,000. If I could have obtained hospital and doctors at the cost insurance companies payed, I could be a million dollars richer as I could out of paid just $60K. The primary reason for insurance is to obtain a trivial part of the huge discounts they get on the cost of medial and risk protection from the obscene medical markups of 500%. Both the medial system and insurance companied benefit from "list prices" with huge markups by forcing insurance purchases.
If the costs were transparent with cash pricing the lowest, super high deductible medical insurance at low cost would be viable just covering very, very expensive events.
Medicaid can't be dumped unless you propose a better way than private insurance to handle the medical risk function. If you get private insurance, they will dump you the second the risks go against them and it is all legal. Prudential re-pooled me (doubling my cost ever 6 mo until I switched) when I made the mistake of having an angiogram when I was 40 (back in 1080) that probably cost me close to a million dollars before Medicare cut in. When I did get my 4X bypass at 64 the insurance only actually paid about $60,000 to the doctors and hospitals on billing of close to $400,000. If I could have obtained hospital and doctors at the cost insurance companies payed, I could be a million dollars richer as I could out of paid just $60K. The primary reason for insurance is to obtain a trivial part of the huge discounts they get on the cost of medial and risk protection from the obscene medical markups of 500%. Both the medial system and insurance companied benefit from "list prices" with huge markups by forcing insurance purchases.
If the costs were transparent with cash pricing the lowest, super high deductible medical insurance at low cost would be viable just covering very, very expensive events.