Arnold, I interpret your qualifiers to UBI as an admission of the weakness of the argument. For once you abolish the current system of welfare and replace it with charity, why would you need UBI?
Consider what a durable social safety net would be. Anyone who needed food could get it . But it would be simple food, low on sugar but otherwis…
Arnold, I interpret your qualifiers to UBI as an admission of the weakness of the argument. For once you abolish the current system of welfare and replace it with charity, why would you need UBI?
Consider what a durable social safety net would be. Anyone who needed food could get it . But it would be simple food, low on sugar but otherwise substantive. Anyone who needed shelter could get it. But it would be a dorm like room with no frills. Anyone who needed clothes could get it. But these would be simple clothes. Same for health care. Simple, basic care. Same for education. Accessible to anyone who will attend class and not be disruptive.
Do this and why do you need UBI? What purpose would UBI serve other than to induce inflation and enable persons to persist in unhealthy consumption?
Incentives matter. Incentives explain how the world works. What positives incentives does UBI create? Seriously. What does it do that is not better realized by simply expecting people to work if they desire a better life than basic subsistence provided by a true social safety net?
By the way, my harsh view of UBI is that it exists as a idea to salve the conscious of technocrats who knows their plans for world domination make humans disposable. I actually think their plans are idiotic. But they believe in their technology as their God and they don't know what to do with humanity that is made redundant by their machines. It would be a far better idea to recognize that it is a bad plan to organize society with machines as its master.
Arnold, I interpret your qualifiers to UBI as an admission of the weakness of the argument. For once you abolish the current system of welfare and replace it with charity, why would you need UBI?
Consider what a durable social safety net would be. Anyone who needed food could get it . But it would be simple food, low on sugar but otherwise substantive. Anyone who needed shelter could get it. But it would be a dorm like room with no frills. Anyone who needed clothes could get it. But these would be simple clothes. Same for health care. Simple, basic care. Same for education. Accessible to anyone who will attend class and not be disruptive.
Do this and why do you need UBI? What purpose would UBI serve other than to induce inflation and enable persons to persist in unhealthy consumption?
Incentives matter. Incentives explain how the world works. What positives incentives does UBI create? Seriously. What does it do that is not better realized by simply expecting people to work if they desire a better life than basic subsistence provided by a true social safety net?
By the way, my harsh view of UBI is that it exists as a idea to salve the conscious of technocrats who knows their plans for world domination make humans disposable. I actually think their plans are idiotic. But they believe in their technology as their God and they don't know what to do with humanity that is made redundant by their machines. It would be a far better idea to recognize that it is a bad plan to organize society with machines as its master.