Before I ended my hatchery business in 2005, I noted that I paid well under-market for my labor, but we treated them well and they loved their work. Pay is only part of a job.
As one young man said in an annual review: " there are two wages you get paid, one in $/clock hour and one in $/person hour and if you have to watch the clock, you never make minimum wage on the second measure".
Before I ended my hatchery business in 2005, I noted that I paid well under-market for my labor, but we treated them well and they loved their work. Pay is only part of a job.
As one young man said in an annual review: " there are two wages you get paid, one in $/clock hour and one in $/person hour and if you have to watch the clock, you never make minimum wage on the second measure".
Before I ended my hatchery business in 2005, I noted that I paid well under-market for my labor, but we treated them well and they loved their work. Pay is only part of a job.
As one young man said in an annual review: " there are two wages you get paid, one in $/clock hour and one in $/person hour and if you have to watch the clock, you never make minimum wage on the second measure".