"inquiries can be a sign that the consumer knows he is headed for trouble and is desperately searching for a loan."

It can also be a sign of an intentional attempt at blocking that consumer's access to credit.

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I am a little skeptical about letting AI redesign bodies. The same tech that can’t draw hands should be rebuilding them.

That is only partly a joke; the outcomes in patterns that a body is optimizing for and what an AI might decide are the way to go could be vastly different and highly problematic to the body’s owner.

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Setting aside ethics and philosophical questions is fine for short essays. (Too much horizon to cover, obviously). The technological advancements do seem tenable, after all, human technology has been marching faster and faster. But will we humans advance? So far, our technology has far outpaced us - we're mostly the same creatures that were hunter-gatherers several thousand years ago.

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If you were to look at it like a business decision, what kind of capability will a transhuman have that will make them so much more productive so as to make the investment expected to be better yielding than the best alternative opportunity to spend on a human-free system? With enough money you could augment a horse with enough technological capital to move you around as fast as a car. While I would pay good money to see a race between a mecha-mustang and a Ford Mustang as a spectacle arranged purely for purposes of entertainment, it doesn't make any economic sense to predict a world full of mecha-horses as a viable and likely future scenario.

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What corporation would need you as head of event production to make that race happen? I have never started an online petition, but I would figure out how for that!

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Since banning things humans (at least some reasonable % of them -- 2%?, 5%?, 10%?) want to have is a hopeless endeavor, I expect that enough people will try enough different 'improvements' that the market will sort out at least what the most people want the most. For good or for ill.

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