If you make an obligation today that you will have difficulty performing, you have created a problem today. I suppose it's a matter of language whether that's a problem today or later. My feeling is that it's worth worrying about today. It's worth not doing today. It is a problem today.
There's a joke about the man who jumps off a 100 sto…
If you make an obligation today that you will have difficulty performing, you have created a problem today. I suppose it's a matter of language whether that's a problem today or later. My feeling is that it's worth worrying about today. It's worth not doing today. It is a problem today.
There's a joke about the man who jumps off a 100 story building. As he passes the fifth floor, someone asks him how's the trip? He replies, "So far, no problem." I would say that he had a big problem as soon as he jumped.
If you make an obligation today that you will have difficulty performing, you have created a problem today. I suppose it's a matter of language whether that's a problem today or later. My feeling is that it's worth worrying about today. It's worth not doing today. It is a problem today.
There's a joke about the man who jumps off a 100 story building. As he passes the fifth floor, someone asks him how's the trip? He replies, "So far, no problem." I would say that he had a big problem as soon as he jumped.
Again, I didn't say anything contrary to that.