I keep coming back to why virtually nobody is demanding that Hamas surrender. This is a war where one side is entirely over-powered militarily. They don't surrender because the international community has given them the hope that not doing so will allow extraction of more concession beyond the release of prisoners that has happened. It's nuts. The best hope for some kind of peace is surrender. I see no alternative even close to as good, not that surrender would solve all problems. Not even close. But still.

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Complex scale? Hardly. If you agree with anything that in the current moment benefits the accumulation of Democrat Party power, you're good. If you oppose anything of the same, you're bad.

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I agree that the rescue operation was not a massacre, and it's disgusting to call it that. It's hard to believe that every single civilian death is Hamas's fault. Would you say that every single death in the fire bombing of Dresden was Hitler's fault?

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Hitler wasn’t using the Dresden population as human shields

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Something like 270 Palestinians died in that raid. All of them can be considered "human shields"?

We're getting awfully far afield of what "human shield" conjures up in the mind's eye.

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Really? They were shields if there were twenty of them but not if there were 270? Interesting and I would need to think more about why we view that so differently.

To me, that half or more (? - numbers come from people who may have a different conception of "truth" but let's accept them) of those killed were women and children strikes me as obvious support for the idea that the hostages were ensconced where any rescue attempt (which I believe was met with fire, obviously, and so became more of a battle) would yield precisely these headlines; but of course population growth has been a weapon in a much larger and more important sense in the past 7 decades, so it is difficult to untangle the two. I remember a typically histrionic "West Wing" episode centered around the "Islamic Bomb" when of course it was the Population Bomb that the show writer was presumably too dense to understand.

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Yes, I would. Doesn't mean it was right to do it or there maybe can't be some shared blame but still, yes.

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