There is no "the market", there are only markets, which are useful things people engage in quite *naturally* absent coercion to do something else; so I reject utterly the notion that economics is the science of something so abstruse (unlike geology, are you kidding me?) that it is a new frontier in which common sense uniquely has no role…
There is no "the market", there are only markets, which are useful things people engage in quite *naturally* absent coercion to do something else; so I reject utterly the notion that economics is the science of something so abstruse (unlike geology, are you kidding me?) that it is a new frontier in which common sense uniquely has no role. Most of his examples reflect little deep thinking, or even just deep reading, about any of that stuff. Can we at least agree that referencing "creative destruction" as if a novel concept is now past its sell-by date as a mic drop?
That said, I miss that guy because when I used to be able to view twitter, he often had linked cool animal stuff.
There is no "the market", there are only markets, which are useful things people engage in quite *naturally* absent coercion to do something else; so I reject utterly the notion that economics is the science of something so abstruse (unlike geology, are you kidding me?) that it is a new frontier in which common sense uniquely has no role. Most of his examples reflect little deep thinking, or even just deep reading, about any of that stuff. Can we at least agree that referencing "creative destruction" as if a novel concept is now past its sell-by date as a mic drop?
That said, I miss that guy because when I used to be able to view twitter, he often had linked cool animal stuff.