The likely optimal answer to "what to do about jobs for low IQ folk" is to have lots of gov't programs helping businesses hire such HS dropouts willing to show up to work, and subsidizing their take home wage (gov't paying part or all of their SS & other taxes; adding EITC as monthly or weekly cash).

Not all poor are lazy stupid careless poor - but there are many poor who are; the low IQ stupid part is not their fault. We should be talking more honestly about how society should be incentivizing, pushing, them to act better.

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Broadly speaking, how would you address the dynamic of financiers slicing cash flows for regulatory benefit and regulators adapting after the fact?

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Thanks for highlighting Lorenzo's latest, Arnold - and also, as an aside, Martin Gurri appears to have independently elucidated what I call "the Silo Effect", which Andrew Doyle has taken up in his latest book, The New Puritans. I discuss it here: https://lawliberty.org/book-review/from-witchcraft-to-wokecraft/

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