I suggest reading Don Boudreaux's daily posts linking to non-official positions on the pandemic. Don is Arnold and Tyler's colleague at GMU's Mercatus Center but ignored by both Arnold and Tyler because he has been critical of the official position. Don has just published his daily post for today


with several links to the grotesque response to NU/XI/OMICRON variant.

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Arnold, you forgot to link to Emily Oster's previous post on cases


Stop the show. Your dear Tyler warns us that it isn't over yet but he cannot provide any argument --except links to other people like him that have not done any serious research on the past 2 years about the virus, the disease, and pandemic. Today again he repeats it isn't over yet. And tomorrow he will say it again. No argument. He wants people to join the debate in good faith but he had done no research and prefers to ignore his own colleagues that think differently. It has been 2 years and these clowns are still running the show. Grow up.

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If we can develop the social technology to reply variant specific vaccines quickly and locally, the. We have a chance if driving some demons extinct. Not just Covid, but influenza too.

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With so much common sense around, why do journalists do some investigative reporting on why FDA/CDC do not act in cost effective ways?

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Sorry the link should have been to this Emily's post


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