By definition, some concepts are included in what kids are taught and other are not (i.e., "banned"). I don't think this is news to anyone. The fight is over who picks.

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Yeah, when a D. French whines about "banning" of CRT etc., folks should wonder why he so stews when it's Woke views being "banned", after not saying boo against the "banning" of the views of, say, the Derb, or of such obviously reasonable phrases as "it's OK to be white".

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"But when it comes to actual deregulatory policies implemented, Carter did substantially more than Reagan." But unfortunately he did not remove not Nixon's energy price controls, so instead of higher gas prices we got gas lines and an "energy crisis" and an ethanol subsidy and a ban on exports of US petroleum and "energy independence."

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"concept” that “promote[es] division between, or resentment of, a race, sex, religion, creed, nonviolent political affiliation, social class, or class of people."

If this were a law that had been lying around forever, it would present no problem to a teacher who wants to talk about Jim Crow or Wounded Knee or the Trail of Tears or Indian Wars or the Ku Klux Klan of the '20's or the Tulsa Massacre or Haymarket or Sacco and Vanzetti. But in context it's likely to be used to protect little White snow flakes whos parents think they needed Donald Trump to make America great "again."

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