"But the analogy with something like Christianity is not perfect. There is no church hierarchy. There is no official central council."

Other religions may be available.

For what it's worth, Parkinson spent some time in Evolution of Political Thought drawing the Communism as Religion analogy.

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As expected your mentor Tyler Cowen couldn't resist the temptation of "recommending" the last Hanania's long post on liberals and conservatives. Tyler presents it as a new theory of politics but it's just a collection of nonsense ideas. I wonder what is going on with the large group of minor "political" writers that spend little time thinking and too much writing. They rely on a grotesque simplification of separating just liberals and conservatives as if they were two homogeneous groups (it's so grotesque that writers ignore it when they face a dead end). Unfortunately, to some extent, this applies also to Haidt and Lukianoff in their long prologue to the second edition of The Coddling of the American Mind they have been circulating through FIRE and Persuasion.

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I’ve been told that After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre is a superior version of Deneen’s argument. I’m not far into the book yet but it seems interesting.

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