Donald Trump named school choice as his top domestic policy issue in 2020. FYI.

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"You can't make children feel uncomfortable. In this case, say, white children."

Does Powell cite the specific laws that say that? What I have seen says that schools (in those states) cannot teach that some people are inherently privileged or inherently victims on the basis of their skin color. As far as I know, the laws are against teaching prejudice rather than against making students uncomfortable.

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"President Trump ended up signing two stimulus bills worth over $3 trillion that did practically nothing to advance their causes."

THIS is a serious anti-Trump critique that is worthy of respect.

"Mean tweets" is a joke.

I surely hope, but only barely expect (55%?) the GOP to focus more on vouchers and homeschooling and true parental choice and parental involvement.

"You can't make children feel uncomfortable. In this case, say, white children. "

Whether white or black children, sometimes kids will feel uncomfortable in school. The truth, and real knowledge, is sometimes uncomfortable.

On the other hand, it's not the actual law which says this. It is said by the dishonest Democratic media (or is it GOPe?) who are lying about the law. Again.

That makes me very, very uncomfortable.

Hanson almost made me feel uncomfy, but his huge time frames buffer any sort of urgency into a "maybe next decade" sort of time.

Parental choice Now! For the 2022 midterms; and 2024. And until parents get more choice.

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