“But food and energy were not the drivers of the recent run-up in the CPI. In contrast to past transitory upticks in inflation, in April and May the core CPI increased by more than the overall CPI. The food and energy sectors actually exerted a slight moderating influence.”
Did you mean to say that overall CPI increased by more than core CPI?
“But food and energy were not the drivers of the recent run-up in the CPI. In contrast to past transitory upticks in inflation, in April and May the core CPI increased by more than the overall CPI. The food and energy sectors actually exerted a slight moderating influence.”
Did you mean to say that overall CPI increased by more than core CPI?
“But food and energy were not the drivers of the recent run-up in the CPI. In contrast to past transitory upticks in inflation, in April and May the core CPI increased by more than the overall CPI. The food and energy sectors actually exerted a slight moderating influence.”
Did you mean to say that overall CPI increased by more than core CPI?
The sentence as I wrote it is correct. See the BLS press release. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm
Oh yes you are right. Core excludes food and energy and in this case that makes the number more extreme.