That an Expert can explain their work is the most important part
for us to make an informed decision we don't need the details of HOW he got to his conclusion
we just need to know options, possible results and what to measure
A Real Expert (tm) would tell you:
If we do nothing then by time t the worst case scenario would be N0 and best case…
That an Expert can explain their work is the most important part
for us to make an informed decision we don't need the details of HOW he got to his conclusion
we just need to know options, possible results and what to measure
A Real Expert (tm) would tell you:
If we do nothing then by time t the worst case scenario would be N0 and best case would be N1
and that by time t1<t we should be able to know where we are going to end by looking at a set of variables S
same for interventions X,X1,X2 ....
anyone who can't or won't give that kind of advice is not an expert but a political player/conman