‘That’s why they’re called “experts”. They are called experts because they have failed upwards into positions of unassailable power and control in the area of their alleged expertise. They are in the top of the age range and have left learning behind. Their knowledge and ideas are outdated but they see no need and are too lazy to update…
‘That’s why they’re called “experts”. They are called experts because they have failed upwards into positions of unassailable power and control in the area of their alleged expertise. They are in the top of the age range and have left learning behind. Their knowledge and ideas are outdated but they see no need and are too lazy to update. ‘Young upstarts’ dare not challenge because their jobs /future depend on the experts who rule their profession. And these experts are the only people ‘Governments’ (such as they are) consult because they are ‘the experts’, the High Priests of The Science™️. Which is why our societies and economies were ruined because of a Cold virus, why useless masks and anything but safe and effective experimental products were forced on us. Why we have an energy supply shortage, and will ruin what’s left of our societies and economies to ‘save the Planet’. Don’t forget the most influential ‘expert’ in that latter was a mentally disturbed, truant, Swedish teenage girl who in former times would have been sent to either a nunnery or lunatic asylum - where in my view all ‘experts’ should be.
‘That’s why they’re called “experts”. They are called experts because they have failed upwards into positions of unassailable power and control in the area of their alleged expertise. They are in the top of the age range and have left learning behind. Their knowledge and ideas are outdated but they see no need and are too lazy to update. ‘Young upstarts’ dare not challenge because their jobs /future depend on the experts who rule their profession. And these experts are the only people ‘Governments’ (such as they are) consult because they are ‘the experts’, the High Priests of The Science™️. Which is why our societies and economies were ruined because of a Cold virus, why useless masks and anything but safe and effective experimental products were forced on us. Why we have an energy supply shortage, and will ruin what’s left of our societies and economies to ‘save the Planet’. Don’t forget the most influential ‘expert’ in that latter was a mentally disturbed, truant, Swedish teenage girl who in former times would have been sent to either a nunnery or lunatic asylum - where in my view all ‘experts’ should be.