Kling says the NatCon crowd is forming a misleading counter movement against the left? What is misleading about this group? Fighting against CRT? School choice?

> NatCon equals 20th century conservatism minus fiscal responsibility

Correct me if I'm wrong, but neither Peter Thiel or other speakers are championing anything fiscally irresponsible.

Kling is rather uncharitable towards NatCon types and excessively charitable towards the anti-NatCon Republican types, like Paul Ryan.

I agree with Kling's writings and ideas on health care policy. I agree with Paul Ryan's speeches on health care. And I thought John McCain's 2008 health care plan that he campaigned for POTUS on was excellent. I don't like the Paul Ryan who was Republican Speaker of the house, when the Republican Party controlled the Presidency and both branches of Congress, and threw that away to deliver nothing on his signature issue of health care.

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Paul Ryan was not being irrational, but was being dishonest about his conservatism goals.

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"Critical Race Theory is the bogeyman "

Arnold, you insist that those against CRT are superstitious ignoramuses; this does not make you look smart to those of us who see professors getting fired for not accepting White guilt for Black failure.

Elected Republicans who voted to impeach Trump are among the "Paul Ryan Republicans" who are supported by Democrat media that hates Trump (irrationally ?), yet against the Family Values of the working-class Republican voters that are taking over the GOP.

Family Values are more important than business values and econ growth that grows median income by 1% while top 1% income increases by 10%.

CRT is supported by all of the

"tacit and unacknowledged alliance between the Democratic Party, the universities, Hollywood, tech, legacy media outlets like The New York Times and CNN, and most publicly traded companies in the United States. "

How many people must lose their jobs to CRT based cancel culture before you agree that it's a real threat?

Those who say it's no threat seem more dishonest than stupid to me.

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Peter Thiel spoke on a similar topic in a recent long form interview:

"In its seventeenth and eighteenth century forms, science was articulated as against dogmatic central authorities in the form of the Catholic church, the Monarchy, things of that sort. And of course that’s still how scientists style themselves, but if you look at it, it seems to me it’s completely the opposite of that at this point. It is an all-out war against dissent, against skepticism, against heterodoxy... there’s a whole set of things where it’s anti-skepticism and it’s way too far on the side of dogmatism." (29:45)


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