We need better metrics AND all the metrics are messed up by Covid and the gov't responses.
The Army is letting go thousands who don't want to get jabbed - and yet is failing to achieve its recruitment goals, by a lot.
Vax qualifications and exclusions mess up the metrics.
Inflation is much less messed up - too much money chasing too few g…
Low likelihood of it being called a recession so far.
Little talk about the 4/5 month (Feb/Mar-Jun) Covid recession of 2020, which messed up statistics; less than 2 quarters.
What does "recession" mean, tho? (What is a "woman"? Speaking truth requires stable definitions of words used to speak the truth - controlling words controls "truth")
Sad that many who don't want to call this a recession are willing to call Jan 6. an insurrection; and vice versa (no to insurrection but yes to recession).
Insurrection means “a violent uprising by a group or movement acting for the specific purpose of overthrowing the constituted government and seizing its powers."
When unarmed, non-violent protesters get killed by gov't violence, or crowd influenced heart stoppages, does that count as a violent uprising? I say no.
Not sure on "recession", but if it is, it is mild so far.
Most folk prefer mild inflation to big recession.
Most don't think the inflation is mild, and many think it will get worse before it gets better.
Sure that Biden is doing terrible, AND far far worse than Trump would have done.
We need better metrics AND all the metrics are messed up by Covid and the gov't responses.
The Army is letting go thousands who don't want to get jabbed - and yet is failing to achieve its recruitment goals, by a lot.
Vax qualifications and exclusions mess up the metrics.
Inflation is much less messed up - too much money chasing too few goods (AND higher energy prices, which look a lot like inflation.)
Fred Blog agrees with Arnold:
Low likelihood of it being called a recession so far.
Little talk about the 4/5 month (Feb/Mar-Jun) Covid recession of 2020, which messed up statistics; less than 2 quarters.
What does "recession" mean, tho? (What is a "woman"? Speaking truth requires stable definitions of words used to speak the truth - controlling words controls "truth")
Sad that many who don't want to call this a recession are willing to call Jan 6. an insurrection; and vice versa (no to insurrection but yes to recession).
Insurrection means “a violent uprising by a group or movement acting for the specific purpose of overthrowing the constituted government and seizing its powers."
When unarmed, non-violent protesters get killed by gov't violence, or crowd influenced heart stoppages, does that count as a violent uprising? I say no.
Not sure on "recession", but if it is, it is mild so far.
Most folk prefer mild inflation to big recession.
Most don't think the inflation is mild, and many think it will get worse before it gets better.
Sure that Biden is doing terrible, AND far far worse than Trump would have done.