I find it disappointing that so much of this content is in video-audio form.

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In Richard Hanania’s interview with Jesse Singal, I did not hear Hanania as playing devill’s advocate as much as challenging some of Singal’s progressive explanations

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Qualifies per the FITs rules:

“To score a point, you must interview a guest (the guest does not need to be on a FITs team) and prompt the guest to clarify/defend a position on an affirmative by posing a challenge. Multiple points can be scored about the same question by posing multiple challenges. Additional points can be earned if there are additional questions that are challenged by the intereviewer. The interview can take place on a podcast or in a written format.”


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Nothing new. The same conflict that has been marked human history for at least the past 3 centuries. It was the critical conflict that has marked the history of Argentina since Independence in 1810; read


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