An incisive post! You focus on the academy and public policy. I would emphasize firms and HR.
Do tenured radicals in schools and universities brainwash students and produce deceivers and enablers at-large in civil society?
Or, instead, do new technologies, broad prosperity, and Wagner's Law (inexorable growth of government) somehow generate a diffuse culture of deceivers and enablers in all institutions and organizations? In this case, tenured radicals are a dependent variable; i.e., an effect, not a cause or independent variable.
An incisive post! You focus on the academy and public policy. I would emphasize firms and HR.
Do tenured radicals in schools and universities brainwash students and produce deceivers and enablers at-large in civil society?
Or, instead, do new technologies, broad prosperity, and Wagner's Law (inexorable growth of government) somehow generate a diffuse culture of deceivers and enablers in all institutions and organizations? In this case, tenured radicals are a dependent variable; i.e., an effect, not a cause or independent variable.