When growing numbers of people are scrambling to put food on the table and gas in their tanks, anyone who believes pronouns are a life and death issue will be shunted to the side. Here's hoping the fever breaks quickly.

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I'd say the same, except preface it with Red states preparing to steel any future election not won by Republicans. Woke people ought to know who their real foes are. :)

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As is becoming increasingly the case, Arnold's ordering is bizarre because of his dislike of k-12 education. K-12 schools aren't woke as a rule, they aren't dominated by woke employees and oh, by the way, principals are utterly irrelevant to what and how school policies are set.

If anyone reading this is about to say "but unions" in rebuttal, you, too, are the problem. Whatever you don't like about schools *outside* of a generalized loathing of unionized employees--it ain't unions.

Nothing wrong with the post itself, but since K-12 schools are currently far less in thrall to wokedom than corporations, for example, I don't suppose things will happen as he expects. For example, k-12 schools can't use AA in hiring teachers, while corporations *must* use AA for hiring everywhere.

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If the principals and staff have no control over how school policies are set, what do their sentiments on the topic matter? The people who control policy and write the curricula are woke, which effectively makes K-12 woke whether the teachers themselves like it or not.

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"Woke yoke" is a good little contribution to the language. Thanks.

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Excellent idea that the backlash goes backward from "most responsive" to feedback, to more slowly least responsive.

I was planning on sending a recommendation to this widely read note - it should be even more widely read.

Not mentioned is that many Dems and progs think the country is being run by Republicans and DINOs (tho they're seldom called that) - because the changes are happening "so slowly", and often the results are less than desirable.

A major swimming organization just said that post-puberty trans folk will not be allowed to compete in women's swimming races - Lia Thomas most affected. Q'she needs to adjust. If we do not have a sexual-binary reality, we need to change the language to reflect the reality. XY people are NEVER "real women". They have the freedom to reject being men. They're trans, quasi-women, q'women. One like Lia will have to adjust q'her life to be competing in the few Open swimming contests.

(Using q' as pronoun preface could catch on if it was more widely adopted.)

tiny typo: thought> though "It sounds to me as thought the intersection"

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Sports are changing back soonest because the number of people adversely affected by wokism enough to push back good and hard is highest in sports. Any sport that goes on allowing trannies to compete as women will drive out all its women, and nobody wants that.

Universities are slowest not because they went woke first, but because they are heavily regulated and the accrediting bodies are controlled by wokies who are also largely self-selecting. Schools they control will be forced to stay woke for the foreseeable future, except the few willing and able to wean themselves completely from taxpayer funds, as Hillsdale College has done.

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Makes sense. How "woke" to be is an optimization problem. What is, for example, the right amount of accommodation to make for transgender/non-binary, etc. people? The feedback loups are weaker in universities and political parties.

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Interesting theory. It reminds me of Adam Smith’s complaint about the universities of his day: “In general, the richest and best endowed universities have been the slowest in adopting [those improvements in different branches of philosophy]... Those improvements were more easily introduced into some of the poorer universities, in which the teachers, depending upon their reputation for the greater part of their subsistence, were obliged to pay more attention to the current opinions of the world.”

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This quoted article was very interesting. I did not realize how the Woke virus was destroying Progressive organizations. Very interesting about the timing - and how it likely has impacted the Biden agenda by knee-capping the organizations that should have been working to support the Biden agenda.

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I wish I saw some good reasons to buy this optimistic outlook, but I don't. :(

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TLDR: Shut up and do your job. Or get out of here.

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