Re Delanna: I actually do not pay much attention to "likes." I post to push the national conversation on whatever topic I post about in what I think is the right direction. That i why I try to post more about economies than politics; I have greater confidence that my opinions are correct about economics and politics. I do of course enjoy the thought that my posts do a tiny amount of good and don't see any trade-off of something I could do that would really do MORE good.

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Really good Twitter thread pointed out by Robin Hanson I saw this morning on an extension of this point.


Here, Peterson is arguing that the instinctive response to "take actions that make us feel that we are decreasing existential risk." will often increase existential risk in a big-country, nuclear age because what made sense individuals as a small-group tribal instinct will end up having twitter full of yahoos united in various forms of "NATO should go fight Russia"

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